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A creative mind never sleeps . . .
On A Personal Note . . .
There is such magic in storytelling. To explore and create characters, plots and all that lies within, I look everywhere for inspiration. In my world, a vivid imagination can be a blessing and a curse. When I was in high school, my Creative Writing teacher read one of my first short stories to the class (I still have that assignment) and encouraged me to always write. It took many years for me to take myself seriously. As both a reader and a writer, books have impacted my life in every way and each time I read something that moves me, it motivates me to keep on writing. I'm thrilled to fulfill a lifelong dream of publishing and sharing work that reflects some of the innermost parts of me. ​The journey has been an exciting, exhausting and humbling one, but well worth it. In the ever so true words of Ernest Hemingway, “We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
I am endlessly grateful to those who have supported me; mainly my very patient, understanding family. Special credit goes to my wonderful husband for surprising me and bringing this website to life. (Although I did manage to edit it myself)!
Thank you so much for taking a few moments to explore my world.

There's an otherworldly sense throughout The Sharing Moon that will keep young adult readers involved and immersed to the novel's unpredictable conclusion, which offers an open-ended hope and the promise of more revelations to come.
D. Donovan, Midwest Book Review
I loved this book, especially the descriptive writing and paranormal elements. I would highly recommend A Halo Sun to anyone that adores the magic of books.
Kristi Ayers, Author

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